
Welcome to Dr. Blau's gynecomastia surgery blog. Dr. Blau's gynecomastia videos, surgery articles and patient reviews are featured on this site. If you would like more information about gynecomastia surgery, please call 914-428-4700.

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Dr. Blau is an expert on the surgical correction of gynecomastia.

Body Builder Patient Satisfaction Survey

Dr. Blau has recently completed a patient satisfaction survey among 100 Professional Body Builder patients. The results are in with 99% of patients reporting they were satisfied with their surgical results. 98% of patients reported an inconspicuous incision that expert judges did not notice any scar during bodybuilder competitions.

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Dr Blau is Speaking at The Aesthetic Meeting (ASAPS)

We are very proud to announce that Dr. Mordcai Blau will be speakingĀ at the 50th Anniversary Aesthetic Meeting for the ...

New Book by Dr. Blau – Masculinity Defined: Gynecomastia and the Search for the Perfect Pecs

Dr. Blau is pleased to announce the release of his book, Masculinity Defined: Gynecomastia and the Search for the Perfect ...